Search Results
FSPC - 22 June 2014 - Response Hymn #322 - "Spirit of the Living God" - Ray Staroscik, Organ
FSPC - 22 June 2014 - Response Hymn #343 - "Called as Partners in Christ's Service"
FSPC - 22 June 2014 - Opening Hymn #434 - "Today We Are Called to Be Disciples" - Ray Staroscik
FSPC - 22 June 2014 - Offertory - Ray Staroscik, Organ
FSPC - 22 June 2014 - Closing Hymn #343 - "Called as Partners in Christ's Service" (vv 4,4)
FSPC - 22 June 2014 - Reflections on GA Sunday Worship; The Prayer Jesus Taught - Maggie Fleming
FSPC - 22 June 2014 - Dr Mook Recognizes Contributions for GA Week at Fort Street
FSPC - 15 June 2014 - Response Hymn #322 - "Spirit of the Living God" - Ray Staroscik, Organ
FSPC - 23 Nov 2014 - Response Hymn #555 - "Now Thank We All Our God" (v 2) - David Wagner, Organist
FSPC - 23 Nov 2014 - Response Hymn #555 - "Now Thank We All Our God" (v 1) - David Wagner, Organist
FSPC - 15 June 2014 - Closing Hymn #432 - "Canto de Esperanza" - Ray Staroscik, Organ
FSPC - 22 June 2014 - Charge and Benedition - Dr Mook